Engineering Services
We believe our experience and capabilities are well-suited to helping our customers save time and costs through a better understanding of building codes and practical solutions.
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Seismic/Wind Calculations
Building codes define the various requirements and minimum construction standards for structures and associated non-structural components to withstand loads from various natural events, such as wind, snow, floods and earthquakes. Our restraint system design and engineering team use these codes and other industry guidelines to determine lateral and vertical design forces on non-structural building system components.

Equipment Attachments
During strong seismic or wind activity, building system equipment will be subjected to lateral and vertical loads which could cause floor-mounted components to slide or tip over and suspended or wall-mounted components to break their supports – possibly injuring occupants or being damaged beyond repair. Appropriate restraints and attachments to building structures are determined through analyses and selected by our engineering team to match both the building construction and equipment type.

Lateral Bracing Markups
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing distribution systems in buildings located in areas prone to seismic activity often need to be braced to prevent excessive movement during earthquakes. Building codes allow certain systems under specific weights and sizes to be exempt from bracing but navigating the various rules can be challenging. Our seismic engineering team is intimately familiar with North American codes and industry-standard guidelines and can produce markup drawings that indicate bracing locations to ensure code compliance.

Custom Engineering
In many situations, standard solutions are not applicable and custom solutions must be determined, manufactured and installed to meet various requirements – often simultaneously – such as ensuring adequate strength to withstand design forces from extreme events while providing effective vibration and noise control during normal operation. Our design and engineering team has extensive experience with customizing support, attachment and vibration control solutions that help meet vibration and noise criteria and help non-structural building components to remain functional even after design-level events.

Vibration Isolation
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems for buildings create vibrations that can affect sensitive equipment and cause structure-borne noise, annoying the occupants. Vibro-Acoustics’ vibration isolation design team is adept in analyzing building systems and equipment installations and selecting appropriate products to provide effective solutions and to meet background noise and vibration criteria. Our wide range of isolation products and expert staff are available to help you make the world a more comfortable place.

Floating Floors
Mechanical equipment rooms located on upper floors above occupied spaces often need significantly more sound and vibration control than can be provided with standard floor constructions. Vibro-Acoustics can analyze the situation and design a floating floor – typically a concrete floor slab supported on neoprene vibration isolators – to provide an effective noise barrier to meet background sound criteria. In addition, Vibro-Acoustics can supply all products and oversee the work to ensure its proper installation.

BIM & CAD Details
Vibro-Acoustics offers CAD details and Revit models for the majority of its vibration isolation and restraint solutions. The CAD details make it easy for consultants and contractors to clearly communicate installation requirements to the installers, while the Revit models help consultants and contractors figure out potential space conflicts. These are further ways Vibro-Acoustics helps save our customers time.

Onsite Services
Vibro-Acoustics provides onsite services for the contracting community. Our services range from classroom training of installation staff to job walk-throughs and sign-off. Our field engineers are code experts who are looking to help you achieve code compliance and proper system/equipment isolation at the least amount of labor possible. Our vast experience enables them to find out-of-the-box solutions to site-specific problems. They are the multi-tool on our customers’ tool belt.

Project Management
Vibro-Acoustics’ project managers are some to the best in the industry, and have managed thousands of vibration isolation and restraint systems projects for contractors. They are incentivized to save contractors labor and take pride in servicing our customers to the best of our ability. They help ensure that our customers meet either code or specification requirements on-time and on-budget. The customer will have a single point of contact for the duration of the project, that is intimately involved and is looking out for the customers needs.